vinegared rice rolled up in a sheet of dried seasoned laver and placed beefsteak plant and japanese pickled plum in the center 意味
- 《料理》しそ巻き
- rice rice n. 米; ライス; 稲. 【動詞+】 boil rice 飯を炊く cultivate rice 米を作る
- up 1up n. 上昇. 【動詞+】 He has had his ups and downs in life.
- sheet sheet n. シーツ; 《口語》 新聞; 印刷物; 1 枚; 広がり. 【動詞+】 air sheets シーツを干す
- dried dried 干 ほし 乾 ほし
- seasoned seasoned 老功 老巧 ろうこう
- laver laver 海苔 のり 甘海苔 あまのり
- placed -placed [-pleist] 【連結形】 [副詞を伴って] 1 〔…することが〕…できる〔to do〕 well-~ to
- beefsteak beefsteak ビフテキ ビーフステーキ テキ
- plant 1plant n. (1) 植物; 植木, 苗木. 【動詞+】 acclimatize a plant to a new environment
- japanese Japanese 邦人 ほうじん 邦語 ほうご
- pickled {形-1} : ピクルスにした、酢漬けの、塩漬けの
- plum plum n. 西洋スモモ, プラム; いちばんよいところ; 楽で収入のよい仕事. 【動詞+】 get all the plums in the
- center 1center, 《英》 centre n. 中心, 中央; 中心点, 起点; 中核, 核心; 中心地, センター; 中間派. 【動詞+】
- vinegared rice 酢飯
- rolled up {形} :
- sheet of 《a ~》1枚の~、一面{いちめん}の~ Give me a sheet of paper right now. 今すぐに紙を1枚くれ。
- seasoned laver 味付け海苔
- beefsteak plant beefsteak plant 紫蘇 しそ
- pickled plum 梅干{うめぼし}
- in the center 中央{ちゅうおう}に、真ん中に
- "vinegared rice rolled in a sheet of laver with raw tuna in the center" 意味
- "vinegared rice rolled in dried laver" 意味
- "vinegared rice rolled in laver" 意味
- "vinegared rice rolled in nori (laver)" 意味
- "vinegared rice rolled in seaweed with raw tuna inside" 意味
- "vinegared rice rolled up in a sheet of dried seasoned laver with raw red tuna in the center" 意味
- "vinegared rice rolled up in a thick slice of egg omelet with various ingredients in the center" 意味
- "vinegared rice rolled up in a thick slice of egg omelet with various ingredients in the center mushroom, seasoned dried gourd shavings, lever and greens" 意味
- "vinegared rice stuffed in a bag made of fried bean curd" 意味